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About Us

Our Mission

We are on a mission to highlight the massive Physical, Psychological, Social, Cognitive and Emotional benefits that meaningful activity can bring to service users in care and support settings.

Seize The Days aims to recognise and showcase positive work in the field of activity whilst fundamentally enhancing the standards and status of activity provision in care and support settings.

We aim to become the industry standard for Activity Provision. We are huge believers in the power of meaningful activity to significantly improve the lives of vulnerable people in care and support settings.

Experience Counts

The founders of this company have a rich history spanning almost 35 years of delivering activity programmes across various different settings. Seize The Days is the vehicle that channels all of that experience.

Seize The Days calls upon significant experience of working with the elderly, dementia, challenging behaviour in both children’s and adult sectors, learning disabilities and mental health. have significant Occupational Therapy and Advocacy working history and crucially from a care providers perspective we have ownership and management experience within our ranks, so we know and understand the issues facing owners and managers and we are here primarily to take problems away, whilst adding value and protecting or enhancing the bottom line.

About Us

The time is now for Activity provision to be recognised as central to a persons’ quality of life with its precious ability to give meaning and purpose.

What We Do

We follow closely the field of activity theory and practice. Recreation Therapy for instance has been around for 80 years and was formed in the USA and leads the way in delivering meaningful activity programmes with significant therapeutic benefits. We celebrate the great recreation planners and programmers of the last 50 years from across the globe to help formulate our activity programmes and crucially to objectively rate the Activity programmes of others.

We recognise the contribution made by organisations such as the National Institute for Care Excellence (NICE), The Care Quality Commission (CQC), Skills For care and various seats of Academia within the united Kingdom and the United States for their work to increase the standards of activity provision in care and support settings. We are across the latest thinking and innovations in the field and we use it to inform our practice as we continually strive to improve our own standards.

Part of our mission is to train as many care and support staff as we can in positive engagement and activity programming.

We’re Here To Help

We believe that positive engagement is the key to any successful activity provision, and we say openly that a persons’ experience and qualifications count for little, if there is no WILL to positively engage with service users and colleagues on a daily basis. Without the will and desire to constantly engage, any activity programme will be severely limited in success.

We’ve witnessed some amazing transformations particularly when service users have been the recipient of a positive well planned, resourced, delivered and evaluated activity programme. A programme that has been set up to succeed.

In the aftermath of National Lockdowns and the profound affects that COVID has had upon us I think its reasonable to say we appreciate our mental and physical health more than we ever have.

Seize The Days is here to help at this tough time and every party wins, Owners, Managers, Staff, Service Users and their Families, NHS and Social Services Commissioning teams and any party that puts a service users best interest at the heart of their reasoning.


Welcome to Seize The Days, activity specialists to the care sector! Our mission is to help you select the right care or support service to place your loved one. We understand that this will be one of the most difficult decision you will ever make.


Seize The Days is an independent platform which recognises and showcases good practice and raises the standards of Activity Provision in care and support settings. It is a valuable tool for social services and NHS clinical commissioning teams.

Care Providers

At Seize The Days it is our mission to continually engage with Commissioners and Families to actively promote care providers who place Activity at the Heart of their service.